NCPE (2019). Annual Report 2018, Malta, The National Comission for the Promotion of Equality.




NCPE (2019). Annual Report 2018, Malta, The National Comission for the Promotion of Equality.

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Type of publication


Geographical coverage


Area/location of interest

Not applicable - national level

Type of Institution

National human rights body


Malta, The National Comission for the Promotion of Equality

Main Thematic Focus


Target Population

General population

Key findings

The NCPE Annual Report seeks to offer a view of the NCPE activities during the year 2018. It starts by outlining the legal and policy developments in Malta related to the areas within NCPE's mandate, followed by offering some data regarding equality and diversity. Finally, it offers data and examples about the cases the NCPE, regarding its investigative role has seen during the year 2018. The Annual Report notes that the introduction of the Migrant Integration Strategy is a positive step forward in imporving equality. Moreover, the report also highlights the findings of the ECRI report (see above) with regard to racial discrimination against migrants. The report also states that the NCPE gave its recommendations about rent-regulation in Malta, following the publication of the White Paper Rent as a Housing Alternative. The report notes that "rent related challenges disproportionately affect persons in vulnerable situations, including migrants."

Methodology (Qualitative/Quantitative and exact type used, questionnaires etc)

The working methods for the preparation of the report involve desk research, and quantitative (use of statistics) and qualitative research (analysis of the claims -37 in 2018- and desk research.

Sample details and representativeness

The reports analysed are the ones received through their complaint mechanism, which in 2018 amounted to 37.

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